Photo of Luke

Luke Warlow

Software Engineer



Luke Warlow

Web Platform Engineer

Wales, United Kingdom


  • ASP.Net Core

  • C#

  • XUnit

  • Laravel

  • PHP

  • PostgreSQL

  • CSS

  • HTML

  • JavaScript/TypeScript

  • Vue.js

  • C++

Current Work

Igalia - Web Platform Engineer

- Present


  • Implementing Trusted Types API inside WebKit
  • C++


Cardiff University Logo

Cardiff University


BSc Applied Software Engineering

First Class Honours

Past Work

Reformo Software - Co-Founder



  • Liaising with clients to establish business requirements
  • Robust and timely implementation of software functionality
  • Maintenance and further development of OrderView


  • Developed OrderView platform from idea to production software

Talkative - Software Engineer



  • Contributed to key decisions on project architecture
  • Triaged bug reports and feature requests, incorporating them into the development pipeline
  • Re-architected code for extensibility and improved scalability
  • Continuously improved product experience based on client feedback as well as internal testing


  • Complete rewrite of customer-facing widget to provide a modern codebase and vastly improved feature set
  • Deliver high quality features according to specification
  • Provided feedback on code quality and development practices, via pull requests and pair programming
  • Implemented modern multi-factor authentication
  • Expanded upon interaction metadata collected and presented to clients, to provide a more complete overview of customer journeys

Hut Six Security - Software Engineer



  • Liaised with the product team to define key requirements for functionality and design
  • Delivered high quality features according to specification
  • Provided feedback on code quality and development practices, via pull requests and pair programming


  • Re-architected the authorisation system as part of the introduction of reseller tools
  • Helped Hut Six better utilise modern front-end technologies e.g. refactoring into reusable Vue components
  • Implemented two-factor authentication allowing enhanced security
  • Developed CI/CD pipelines to enable seamless release processes for engineers
  • Vue.js

  • ASP.NET Core - C#

  • PostgreSQL


Open Source

In my free time I enjoy contributing to open source projects, the largest of which are the Chromium, WebKit and Firefox browser engines.

This lead to me successfully applying to the web platform team at Igalia.

Chromium Features



A TailwindCSS plugin to create classes for the scrollbar-color, scrollbar-gutter and scrollbar-width CSS properties.


A TailwindCSS plugin to create variants for various missing media queries.


A Horizontal Scroller Web Component, this is the package used for the image carousels on this site.



A web-based e-commerce order fulfilment management application developed by Reformo Software

  • Orders Table
  • Biometric two-factor authentication
  • OrderView is a SaaS platform we sell to businesses that have multiple order sources such as Etsy, eBay and WooCommerce. Customers can import their order sources and carriers into OrderView and process all orders from one place as well as manage inventory and access combined order metrics.

    • Vue.js

    • ASP.NET Core - C#

    • Node.js

    • PostgreSQL

    Flow chart editor

    A prototype flow chart editor written in Vue.js.

  • Flowchart Editor
  • A prototype flow chart editor that offers zooming, drag and drop, and edit history.

    University Projects

    Medical LMS - MeDL

    A web-based learning management system (LMS) for testing clinical decision making amongst medical students.

  • Scenario Editor
  • Scenario Viewer
  • Account Security
  • Year 3 - Group Dissertation Project

    This project focussed on producing a proof of concept LMS for clients who work at the University Hospital Wales. The core aim was to make the creation of training scenarios accessible to those without technical knowledge. My main contribution was the drag and drop scenario editing interface. I also created the account system which included single sign-on and two-factor authentication.

    • React

    • NestJS - TypeScript

    • PostgreSQL

    IoT and the Community

    Year 3 - Emerging Technology Project

    The project aimed to provide a solution to reduce loneliness and social exclusion amongst elderly people in the Usk area for Monmouthshire County Council. It used an array of Z-Wave IoT sensors which connect to a receiver on a Raspberry Pi. The data from these sensors was sent to a central Express server, where a React front-end could manage the participants and view the data.

    • React

    • Express - JavaScript

    • MongoDB

    Drone course management system - Aviation Systems Group

    A web-based system for handling the booking and marking of drone courses.

  • Candidate signup form
  • Instructor course management
  • Admin dashboard
  • Year 2 - Commercial Applications Project

    The client for this project operated a drone certification course. Their existing data management solution relied heavily on Excel. The aim of this project was to produce a web-application to help improve these business processes. The system handled user registration, event management, and tracking of results. This allowed the client to focus on running the courses themselves.

    • Vue.js

    • Spring Boot - Java

    • MySQL

    Welsh pharmacy finder

    An Android app for finding the location and available services of nearby pharmacies.

  • Map view
  • List view
  • Pharmacy overview
  • Create prescription reminder
  • Settings page
  • Settings page in Welsh
  • Year 1 - Android Group Project

    The aim of this project was to create a proof-of-concept Android application for Cardiff University's School of Pharmacy. The application enabled users to more easily access information about all pharmacies in Wales, including location, contact details, opening hours and services.

    I personally made a Flask based server, to serve the pharmacy information, and used an Android networking library to retrieve the data on the client side. This better simulated a real world scenario, showing how the data could be updated by a pharmacist if the app were to be released. I also created a feature that allowed users to create reminders for prescriptions; this was stored locally in the app, using an SQLite database.

    • Android - Java

    • Flask - Python

    • SQLite

    Event data collection system - Welsh Rugby Union (WRU)

    Year 1 - Web Development Project

    The WRU required a prototype web application, which they could use to collect, store and analyse event data such as total attendance and audience demographics. I made use of a service worker to add offline functionality; this allowed data to be collected at events but submitted at a later time should internet access not be immediately available.

    • Flask - Python

    • SQLite